Some Facts about the Machinery & Plant Valuation

 Plants and equipment have properties and features that set them apart from tangible assets. These features often determine how the market value of an asset is determined. For instance, they are much more flexible than real estate. So, you can move them around. Further, they depreciate much faster than real assets. Many factors influence their value. You can value them individually or collectively. Another thing that can determine the market value is if the item is being moved or relocated.

Asset groups:

The following groups of movable assets are relevant to a plant and machinery valuation. We expect that all evaluation experts schedule and value all items under the following eleven groups:

        Plant and Machinery

        Helping tools & equipment

        Service Systems

        Furniture and appliances

        Fixtures & Fittings

        Office Furniture & Appliances

        Company vehicles

        External transportation

        Raw stock

        In progress task

        Finished Stock


Plants and machinery types:

Typically, plants established specifically for manufacturing items include the following:

        Machinery Types

        Service Systems

        Ancillary Plants

        Raw Material Storage

        Controlling Unit

        Finished Goods Storage
